♥ Saturday, July 31, 2004
xiao mei, xiao ba..[xiao ba extra..=P]
watched tw's 7/09 5 du c..
tink spore not shown yet.. *lucky me*
hmm.. but quite zZz.. no kunda.. >.<~
watched the first 3 episode from zong yi zhe ge li bai zui hao xiao..
damn hilarious show.. kunda arh kunda..
if my birthday u lyk that jui hao le..
conclusion from 1st 3 episode.. xiao zhu is veri evil.
burnt dem into vcds le.. anyone wanna watch can try borrow from me..
went xiao mei's autograph seesion yesterday.. actualli is not xiao mei'S..
is love contract'S~ haha.. but most of the peepz there went to see xiao mei lar..
he onli looked alright to me.. mayb of his hair..
xiao ba, sa sa n yi cheng.. all see liao will -.-""...
haha.. sa sa the teeth veri weird.. wearing braces smmore..
xiao ba look lyk a stranger to me..
yi cheng quite friendly thou..
xiao mei posed for me to take photo.. uploading soon..
sianz.. forgot to get my mathx txtbook back..
got yeeying to help me get it.. thankiez..
so now have ta rush hmwk..
skipped np tis morning..
dislikes the sir.. wad jian rong.. jian ren jui you...
those who went got their rank n cert. *applause*
/me nvm one.. dun take dun take lor..
jiaying, elva, vincent, kaixiang..
*applause*..*brought glory*
happy for dem anyway..
oh yah.. happy birthday to our ah beng tao..
went pizza hut.. nice lunch/dinner.. =P
went to meet jingwen n huiyi after see xiao mei..
took nps..
oh yah.. wishes the pickpocket who stole elva's hp to die...................
reborn to b lyk william hung..
♥ Wednesday, July 28, 2004
my race is over.. hmm.. got da 4th position..
sianz.. but realli no regrets.. love the wae we raced..
thou my partner's sick.. hmm.. hope she recover fast.. ;)
sianz.. damn cold tis afternoon.. ncie weather for zZz.. but not 4 sea sports..
yAwnz.. tot gess realli weak.. but yet in e end.. not weak..
but yet still not veri strong lar..
haix.. actualli we n get 3rd one..
lost by abit abit nia lorz.. mama..
ur mother is a fact.. =X *quoted from eric..*
haha.. sent shimin home safety.. bathed and meet the peepz after tat..
hmm.. ate beef ball noodles at parco bugis..
took nps.. sianz.. ken v exxtraa.. sae wan go home in e end nv..
irk.. the photo machine sucks..
all the hello kitty stuffs.. enuff is enuff.. sianz half.. -.-
chatted bout **l**n on bus... haha.. wanted to conference..
but all of us to tired to b true..
mayb next time? ken dun b disappointed.. hee..
saw a army green hand carry bag..
lyk it alot.. but $32.90..
sianz.. /me poor girl from poor family leh..
get kd buy 4 me.. haha.. jk lar..
watch the new show named energy show..
haha.. means energy + xiao zhu lar.. xiao zhu call show wad..
love the starting.. yoohoo..
kd did solo singing + bit of solo dancing..
haha.. style sia.. den show, sw, nn n ahdi..
danced bhind him.. lyk ka kia.. WAHAHAH! =P oOpx.. =X
smmore only kunda got mic.. whaha.. even ahdi n sw boh! wahaha..
rofl.. lmao.. realli farnie sia.. kunda siaaaaaaaaaaa.... =PPP /me evil freako..
gonna get pub tix from loojean.. chinablack one..
jingwen nag n nag.. sianz.. try ask her lor.. also dunno who is she..
e most sae i jingwen fren onli mah.. haha..
energy ah energy.. everytime teach us bad..
last time got zouk.. now go chinablack.. ^.-
energy bad influence seh.. =X
energy damn evil.. shuwei's joke damn not farnie..
i dun even consider dat as a joke.. but everybody coordinated..
purposely luff.. alex joke i heard b4.. quite cold.. but at least more funny..
yet nobody luff.. realli purposely one.. nth to sae dem.. bwg
♥ Wednesday, July 21, 2004
22 yrs old le.. haha.. saem as da.. so i rough remembers..
heard the audio when enews.. niunai, shuwei, xiao mei call out to kunda..
to ask him bout him n wei jun..
luckily he denied..
i mean i hope its true that there ain't sparks going between dem..
not bcoz of jealously..
well mi n da is onli a fan-idol relationship..
i'm just trying to warn him.. ask weijun is not a good gal..
zZz during poa lesson today..
expecting boring lesson.. *yAwnz*..#_#
saw from wanni's blog..three fotos which depics the cring faces of ahdi, shuwei n da..
haha.. ahdi cry until so kelian.. *sighx* arghx..
saw tis link from loojean's blog..
the jpg depics four idiots..damn stupid..
felt that more n more sins are geeting hooked onto me..
omg.. /me pure n innocent one leh.. all kanna influence one..
lolx. haiyo..
-.-" no poa sub klass after school today.. so happy.. haha.. first time boh..
gonna dl mlj epi3.. so damn slow sia.. emule u are lagging ain't u?!
leave me alone.. gonna blog some other time..
either later or tmr.. cya! ;)
haha.. just finished watching yi qi zou ba mv..
highly recommended..
veri veri nice.
the mv veri hilarious..
can see lotsa kunda inside.
he inside veri attitude..-.-"
he can purposely closed his ears n dun wanna listen to show..
den smmore that time show will b singing lor..
den he will pushed show away.. evil freak leh kunda..
den shuwei got one part more evil..
eat dunno wad... tink is fruit ar..
den spit at xiao zhu..
den xiao zhu fed up..
haha.. the whole mv lyk showing they going to fight lyk that..
haha.. damn cute..
energy = attitude
oOpx.. cannot realli see alot of shuwei inside.. sad case..
but can see more of ahdi n niunai.. but too bad..
kunda most.. hee..
review of "give it up"
guessed toro realli danced veri well in it.. keep it up..
jiayou.. gambette..
mjl ar mjl.. buck up bah..
hope the bhind will b more interesting..
hope to see more of energy inside.. not hero's papa..
damn it.. i tink my foolscrap realli not fated wit me..
anica took it home by mistake..
stupid right?
can't do my 7.8 n chij..
haiz.. gotta ask ben tan to send me.. den he !@#@#$#@%
smmore last question nv send me..
haix.. suay means suay..
energy's yi zhi dao zui hou..
hope the mv will b nice.. =) heard from huiyi not bad..
kunda got lots of moves..
hahaha.. thats great.. kunda.. *.*
♥ Monday, July 19, 2004
wah.. damn fed up..
feel lyk using vuglarities to express my feelings.. arghx..
damn my mum.. spoiled my specs..
damn dulan.. now in school can't see the screens well lor..tmd..
den just now my bloody com hang..
nearly agitated, causing me wanting to throw this com outside..
tonight szlk is cyndi..
watched mjl at yeeying's hse just now..
damn hilarious..
shuwei more n more lao shu si..
today is a unlucky day..
forgot to bring my foolscrap home too..
can't do maths... realli SUAY!!!
sci did halfwae.. haiz.. no mood to complete it..
still got maths corrections nt done..
mjl is quite a horrendous bore.. haha..
starting i watched abit onli felt tt it is realli sianz..
no wonder the ratings n rankings not li xiang..
sae suay realli suay..
kunda was rumoured to b with lin wei jun tis afternoon..
WAH!!realli bth arhx..
that flirt again..
one time not enough meh..
kunda ar kunda..
u cnt lyk that.. u got xiao shuang le lar..
Lin wei jun.. u gimme remember... >.<*...
♥ Saturday, July 17, 2004
went j8 with huiyi, jingwen, jingqi n peifen...
bought tix to zpop..
toshi was the host..
reached the counter den got one irritating camera man..
kept wanting to shoot us..
den we escaped to n fro..
at last he bth liao.. den we go back again.. heeheez..
wasted our precious timey onli..
chatted wit toshi bout energy..
asked whether they going ufm.. haha..
so therefore we know dujia infos? nahz..
den he asked us whether we purchased the tix using the mic..
den we replied mai le.. den he sae "oh.. mai le arhx?" in the mic smmore again.
realli throw our face..
den ate lunch at long john silver..
damn small lor the place..
ever squeezy..
talked nonsenses bout our topic of artistes..
haha.. luffed non stop the whole time there...
den went smu to see toro pai xi..
hmm.. reached at at afternoon bah..
den i waved when reached..
den toro saw n stared at us..
den stood there the whole time n watch him..
den saw how the bloody bitchy fiona flirted wit him..
saw lotsa ppl.. got xiaoqiao, xingshu, feng ling, ouxuan, fiona, mosses lim, etc lar..
ou xuan n fiona xie are arrogant freakos..
though they also v pretty..
xiao qiao n feng ling veri friendly n pretty..
xingshu damn attitude also..
toro veri kpo n playful..
hmm.. den got one chn 5 artiste..
dunno whu lar.. is a guy..
alot of ppl ask for his signature..
but yet i still can't figure out his identity..
he even turned n smile at me..
siao kia.. tink i know him arhx..
i veri familiar wit u meh.. i is come see toro one hor..
fiona is a bitch.. real one..
she purposely drop her stuffs n bent down..! DEN!..nvm...
the rest i shall keep dumb bout it..
chatted with toro n xiao qiao..
we ask xiao qiao "pai xi hui bu hui xin ku?"
den xiao qiao can't hear.. den replied us nonsense..
den we repeated once more for her sake..
den toro answered"XIN KU!
wah.. tis guy is full of nonsense lar..
he even danced...
he went off in a flash~
den we followed his arse..
he board his private car..
den he was sitting at e right side..
but all fans stand at the left side..
dunno for wad lar..
den i walked over to right side n all my frenz followed..
den we called for toro n waved 881~
den he was busy fidgeting wit his laptop..
which was placed in a small suitcase..
tink lyk that cute arhx?
wahaha.. but in e end he still managed to wave 881 too lar..
haha.. nice trip to see him.. satisfying..
討論區>04.TVBS-G 頻道> 5℃ FUN賣機>哈囉~回來了!
> 發表人:坤達 發表日期:2004/7/14 下午 03:15:42
> 主題:我回來了!
> 台北真的好熱喔~
> 不知道為什麼沒有你們說的我的明子下會有紅色線!
> 我不會用....
牛奶留言 標題:牛牛有祝福的話
發 表 人:狗狗(poloboy20003)
發表時間:2004/06/14 21:13:37
昨天是葉氏一週年,祝生日快樂喔,對不起今天才說生日快樂, 因為昨天太忙拍一天的戲,葉氏是大家一點一滴,辛苦而來的, 從零到現在的<<30000>>多人,很感動....哭.....我愛你們LOVE LOVE 我們不要驕傲,要更努力,要等60000萬人時,再好好現一下, 還有大家也要多支持米迦樂之舞喔,其實我也好緊張喔. 掰 掰 881 881
Yellow哥7/12留言 標題:時光飛箭,2年了....................
發 表 人:fu3393(fu3393)
發表時間:2004/07/12 04:30:09
dear friends:
時間過得真快 出道至今天
看著energy訓練 成軍 發片..............
有的我記得名字 有的記得臉孔卻叫不出名字........
或許有些還存在 有些已漸漸模糊了
你們依然天真 可愛 熱情的支持你們心中的"第一名"~
♥ Friday, July 16, 2004
hmm.. had canoeing training tis afternoon..
v tired.. haha.. onli bathed bout at 7pm..
cause tis elva's hearing got prob..
heard pipe to bike.. ahem..
haha.nvm.. can't blame..
create tis new name ziczac n ah long(3).. haha.. cute names? >.<
den we were so afraid of the toilets(windows+whirling fans?)
haha..cause there are eyes all arounds? =X
alright i shall =X bout tis..
a secret shall remain onli a secret..
haha.. skipped my basketball competition after school..
had to go for training instead..
haha..anywae rain also cnt basketball lor..
dunno how they flare?
tink they shld cancel it lor.. stupid.. falcon onli two players..
haha.. =P /me onli of the players mia..
kekeke..today's lesson so sianz..!!!
went home to retrieve my canoeing stuffs..
bcoz i lazy ger lyk me will not lyk to bring heavy stuffs all e wae to kallang..
heeheez.. anywae my hse near near onli mah.. =P
hmm.. tonight ate my dinner at mac..
got one bangali kept smirking at elva..
tink elva got e indo maid look? oOpx..
nowadaes so muchie hmwks..
we are not machines my dear gurus..
haiyo.. hope they tink of our abilities b4 they set hmwks..
its not that we dun wanna do it or wad..
its that we are too too far far tired n sleepy when we reach home..
u dumbarse..
flung my latest maths test.. *sObx*
but nt as bad as i expected..
didn't fail that badly afterall..
haha.. anywae i expected to fail.. no doubt..
next week when the acc results come..
i shall die.. surely fail one..
energy going zpop concert lor..
they so free sia..
everytime come non-stop..
smmore come at wrong time..
mama..energy are a bunch of dummies too.. =X
no lar no lar.. jk.. universal are a bunchy of dummies..=P
suppose gonna spend money on the tix to the concert again..
siao one..think their fans all rich brats arhx? maddie..
/me is a poor gal from a poor family..
heard from jingwen.. normal tix $10..
the best seats $50.. wth?
wonder which pricing will i buy.. anywae yida also going.. hmm...
nice first meeting wit him? no lar..
guess my frenz will pull me to see yida this july/24th..
help!!! kunda!!
one fine day..i'm gonna fax in anytime from 5.30 to 6.30pm to enews..
and make sure that bloody zhi bi kunda reads it..
stupid idiot lar him..
tink 10 episodes he onli recorded 1-2of it..
den went to shoot idiotic drama wit that bitchy gal.. =P
dun tink kunda sae happy bday to "u" veri big.. kns..
i shall do it one fine day too..
niunai u better give mi a free one too. =P
and shuwei u better not b kidnapped..
seriously kunda u spoiled the nicest song 一直到最後..
but u shld realli train harder lar..
haha.. dun patoh with xiao shuang liao le lar..
niunai alreadi improve u still lyk that.
haiyo.. kunda no cure liao lar?
bcoz of ur that two words <最後>..
made the song aibt *ahEm*
hei an shi qi also another roxor..
damn nice sing.. shuwei's voice rox inside..
but if there's a chance..
i shall dedicate yi zhi dao zui hou to all my frenz out there..
damn meaningful lor..if ya wants to take a peep at the song..
dun hesitate to dl from me.. =)
oh yah.. heard from some rnb fans that moon n aj out of that band.. =(
hmm.. although i'm not into them..
but i was once into huai en..
so muz at least support abit mah.. haiz.. huai en ar huai en..
u even the qiao jie li family photo also nv take..
dunno die go where liao.. even my toro took.. haha..
oh yah.. toro's captured in tis month's teens.. grab urs now!
♥ Wednesday, July 14, 2004
had a crystal chat tis afternoon at tbp's food court...
supposed to watch windstruck..
but make away with that idea again..
haha.. windstruck can u see me?~~~
gonna go malaysia.. hmm.. blog the next time..
loads of tings to splash here...
♥ Sunday, July 11, 2004
hmm.. finished watching sen xia ling du...
youwei inside veri shuai.. but the story abit weird..
lyk mjl lyk that..
but the ending is realli unpredictable..
actualli i still get the ending afterall..
tonight got charity show wor..
but is 5566.. stupid.. later all the huan ze see liao bth..
tink won't b able to catch it..
going out lata.. SHOP!
veri late leh.. 7++ den going out..
my mother tink tmr no school sia.. =X
did abit of maths.. haix..
tink of maths.. i tink my maths test die liao..
surely fail one..
alot dunno how to do..
miss lim lar..
give until so difficult..
she gundo lar..
yeah.. tmr receiving my album from jingwen.. =)
can listen liao..
finally.. veri happy.. =P
♥ Saturday, July 10, 2004
Hmm.. i tot today no hmwk wor.. den slagged whole day..
gecko found out from yeeying got maths, poa, n sci..
den i sianz half..
tink tmr den rush bah..
but gonna go shopping tmr..
dunno can finish anot..
sprained my arm during the bball match.. ;(...*huRtx*
can't even hold tings properly.. -.-|||
dunno tmr how? lucky can do simple chores..
hmm.. found out that jiawen can't chase with us anymore.. dissapointment..
first sae cnt.. 2nd sae can.. made mi happy.. now sae cnt again..
haiyo.. make up ur mind lar.. *no offence*
the ost got free wxkj single..
huiyi didn't got to get it..
who asked her to preorder from that wulu wulu shop below her block..
onli cheaper dan us one buck lor..
gecko less dan us a single.. pity her..
smmore she nv have that single b4..
getting either shuwei or niunai one tis time round..
last time got a kunda one.. haha..
*satisfied* *wink*;)
mjl autograph session.. 9/8
11.30am.. imm open carpark..
indeed a stupid location..
wanna us let vehicles bang arhx..?
so early in da morning..
tink 6am can go queue liao..
wah lao national day leh..
holiday.. wanna zzz one leh..
but wei le energy.. bo bian..
gonna help jiawen get her album signed since she's not going.
chatted with peifen about energy.. realli comical..
jqj.. 10/9..
hmm.. tix $88.. if wan msg loojean..
sianz.. loojean again.. everytime onee..
kunda siao..connie's best fren.. =X
♥ Friday, July 09, 2004
hmm.. sportsmanship is the only entry to success..
pls do b as sore as some ppl..
knock onto ppl still wanna scold ppl..
*yAwnz*.. its just a game.. y kick up a fuss?
if u nv scold me.. i won't do that to u..
iRk.. spoil my mood.. dirty freako..
nvm.. in e end falcon still won..
actualli can see one lor..
falcon is stronger dan eagle...
if play definately win one..
skipped canoeing tis afternoon...
gotta attend tmr? sianzation..
miss ang wanna !@#$% liao..
she sae seniors all will face the music..
i tink is noise lor.. when got music..
sianz.. seriously speaking i lost my interest in canoeing long long time ago..
dun come pestering me to ask me why..
i myself dunch noe why..
mayb because of the changes in the team..?
the changes in the captain?
i''m not sure myself..
but to me.. now canoeing is realli not lyk the united past.
tis yr.. i count n count.. tink i nv attend for more den 10-15 trainings..
i remembered i skipped for 2 months bcause of mc..
now no mc.. BUT! i felt sick to go too.. weird sense of feelings.
♥ Thursday, July 08, 2004
missing u delta
missing mr yew
missing mdm lim
missing mr goh
missing mrs wong
missing mrs pher
missing mr tan
missing mrs sim
missing miss loke
missing mdm phua
missing mr chun
missing miss wong
missing mr kee
even missing e servants..
haix.. presently in bmss.. suxor..
lousy school.. though new..
BUT! even got cracks..
delta also dun have lor..
I experienced how human being's tears burst..
tis afternoon saw i my fren just burst into tears..
hmm.. because her god father passed away..
haix.. so sad.. hope she/he can get over it soon.. =)
wah.. received a second prank call from a idiotic gal..
she call n keep saeing "HELLO" partially shouting liao.. gundo..
den i reply hello.. she will follow.. acting lyk an idiot lor..
yesterdae she even asked mi if i'm a energy fan..
i tot she call wrongly.. but felt weird.. therefore i hung..
haix.. my com realli crashing sooner or later.. haix..
tink my mum is gonna get mi one by the wae she replies me.. heeheez.. ;)
realli dislike tis school now man.. SIANZ!
tmr got canoeing.. tink better go..
moreover i'm not taking a single.. i'm taking a double..
have to tink of others..
acutalli i rather play basketball in skool..
at least i lyk it.. but dun realli feel lyk it to play bcoz of such team mates.. =X
nvm..shall go for canoeing..
just now i felt the realli happy feeling of a warm hearted family.. heeheez.. ;)*wink*
veri happy now.. gonna do my hmwk soon.. Buck up!
watched mean gals.. realli nice nice movie.. rawker..
hmm.. friends are great please appreciate dem..
hated friendster.. it sucks.. feel lyk stomping on the webber's feet!!
buck up of ur actions! ur webbie is darn slow!
lian's lesson is so sianz..!!!!!
♥ Tuesday, July 06, 2004
managed to keep up with the freakos yesterday.. =P
hmm.. but we were not able to get the tix to windstruck..
^.^? hmm.. kinda of dissapointed..
and it was raining..
walked over to hereen...
den saw hendy.. with his gf.. hmm.. i got no comments..
den xinmei wanted for her wallet hunt..
den did not return with preys..
hmm.. den went for swensens..
the services there sucks..
attitude prob.. veri serious..
so in order to make dem learn their mistake..
we wrote a comment form..
and we did a great job by helping dem "CLEAN" their utensils etc.
den took neoprints n slacked all the wae..
den cab home again.. to n fro.. -.-"
broke.. sianz..
den went malaysia at 8+..
wanted to cut hair.. but failed..
came back with vcds instead.. heeheez.. =P
had chi oral tis afternoon..
second last person to go.. sianz.. can sleep..
but entertained by vin's speech..
talk non-stop to me n elva..
cnt tahan..
even his ancestors we all also know liao.. ;)
suppose can pass bah.. the teachers seem alright to me..
but my reading aloud cmi..
my flu's fault.. made mi talk lyk an idiot.. -.^
my com is realli going dead soon..
tink my father's gonna buy a new one..
/me pray hard.. ;)
today's lessons are boring..
suppose tmr too..
can zZz lyk wad i alwaes do le..
♥ Sunday, July 04, 2004
hmm.. my com's condition is getting from bad to worse nowdaes..
hmm.. simply getting into comas without my permisson.. =P
i sound lyk a freako..
sianz.. today is a veri boring boring day..
my mum asked me to go out with her just now.. but i rejected..
well simply becoz i wanted to watch jolin's chen bao yin yue hui..
hmm.. and at that moment i was chatting with xinmei..
so definately i would not agree..
we were chatting bout our past..
haha.. the times where we exchanged letters..
how childish we were..
we have to admit old.. =P
oh.. nahz.. my click's gonna go catch a movie tmr..
guess i won't b able to catch up with dem..
gotta go cut hair in malaysia tmr..
-.^.. sianz.. i wanna go with dem..
sianz! i wanna go shop till my jaw drop!
my mum ask mi out to shop with her just now..
but i wanted to catch jolin's chen bao yin yue hui.. so i didn't went..
haix.. and furthermore i wanna watch the chn 8 7pm's show..
got wang ren fu..
i'm not showing interest over him
but showing interest over him kanna tricked or played..
hohoho.. /me evil ehx?
when i heard jolin hearing shou ai ni.. i realli sian half..
remind mi of "FRIENDSHIP"
YaWnz.. keep to myself betta..
Come Back Dragon.. Come Back Energy..
♥ Friday, July 02, 2004

Energy's gonna make tis a real special yr for me..
my O's n they coming non stop.. veri clever..ahem..
smmore coming on my bday.. hmm.. great..
coming during national day.. great..
coming for charity show during sept..
ahem.. all great lar..!
all near my exams.. Great?!!
mr kok left! great too..
haha.. alot of great tings..
today he blurted out all rubbish on his mind..
wad "masturbate", "sex", "pregnant"... blah blah blah.. etc dirty vocabs..
hmm..last day.. he bu jiang bai bu jiang..
and tis is the first day when i onli suan him once..
i promised not to sae him.. cause his last day..
wah.. thurs was a real boring day..
had 2 chi lessons which we usually learn nth..
two p.e watching the titans..
den two social studies.. where i slept.. while listening to that pregnant guru..
den geo which is taught by that future gonna be english teacher of mine..
pray hard.. she teaches proper..
tink mr kok is a better english teacher.. if putting aside his pervertic-ness..
+ /me sore throat.. =(
so pain.. stupid..
wah just now go for dental teeth washing.. hmm.. $120.. -.^
so ex.. stupid waste $$.. but too late to regret..
having listening compre tmr.. sianz..
i have serious semi deaf prob.. wahaha..
gonna cut hair on monday..
pray dat my cousin do a proper job for me..
if not smack his head till it fell..
Oh yah.. was so great bout that bmss click..?!
kept provoking others when the other was not even hearing or talking bout u..
guilt heart ehx?
tot u urself veri chio.. my foot.. tink u wear the wadever attire.. veri sexy..
my foot.. my great grandmother looked 100xs better..
better shut up if the others nv provoke u..
rubbish shooter.. puke.. use the delta again.. u see the DELTAIANS treat u..
mayb some peeps might not dare.. but i'm sure my click dares..
u stupid gundo skeleton..
tink ur voice veri sexy.. AHEM! go talk to the frog lar..
mayb they might even spit their saliva on u! ;)
was unable to blog tis few days.. realli busy..
hope can clear tings asap..